Tag: Beliefs

Ready to Receive

You ARE Ready to Receive What You Want!

You want something in your life. Love, health, a new lifestyle, a fulfilling career, more money, more friendships and connections, peace, happiness… It doesn’t matter


The 14 Day Gratitude Game

If you want more pep in your step, more flow in your life, more spark in your heart… join me to do an incredibly simple, quick

Self Esteeem Building

Self Esteem Building Affirmations

For self esteem building, listen to this short interactive audio on a daily basis. Listen and repeat the statements, building a new mental frame of

affirmations for body

Affirmations for Body & Wellness

Strength Challenge Take the 4 Week Strength Challenge! Listen daily to the affirmation audios in this 4-part Strength Series.  We’re up to Week 3, with

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